I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read Logical Fallacies

ACTIVITY Read the following excerpt from the essay, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read" past
Francine Prose. Identify what you consider to exist fallacies in her argument and discuss the
effects those fallacies take on the soundness of her argument

A logical fallacy is an untrue statement which is made by a person that does not help his statement, but rather weakens it by making either an incorrect conclusion, or missing the betoken.

With this in mind, there are different types of fallacy and they are:

  • Harbinger man
  • Appeal to force (Argumentum ad Baculum)
  • Argumentum ad Hominem (Personal attack)
  • Jerky Generalization
  • Scarlet Herring
  • Circular Reasoning
  • Argumentum advertizing Populum (Appeal to the people), etc

For case, if a person tells another person that he is not performing his job well and he replies to him, "yous better shut information technology or I'll smack you lot", then the second speaker is making utilise of Argumentum ad Baculum which is an appeal to forcefulness.

Please note that your question is incomplete so I gave you a full general overview so that you can go a ameliorate understanding of the concept

Read more than hither:



Hello. You did not include the passage to which the question refers, which prevents me from showing you the fallacies that the text may contain. However, to help you, I will show yous how to identify fallacies and how they weaken a text's arguments. I hope this helped.

Fallacies are arguments that a person presents as true and logical, just they are false and present statements that are non consistent with reality, unprovable and flawed, that emit inaccurate and wrong information. The fallacies leave the arguments with a fanciful, inconsequential and illogical content, since information technology has a flawed content and it is not possible to admire and hold.

An example of fallacy occurs with the phrase "my neighbor was bitten past a pitbul, and so all pitbuls in the neighborhood must be euthanized as they are dangerous."


Source: https://brainly.com/question/19211405

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