Removing the Mask - The Hypocrisy

If yous've followed my blog for a while, then you know that occasionally I'll share a personal story, rather than a quick and piece of cake recipe, a new room makeover, or the beautiful lilliputian dress that I just scored at Target.

Sometimes it'south because other'southward request it or because I think my story may help others through a difficult time.

Today, I'k sharing a personal side of things considering JESUS told me to.

"I Meet You Lookin' At Me"

Yesterday at church, my pastor gave a message that was absolutely incredible.

Watch the bulletin from my pastor, Bryan Mills, HERE if you have 20 minutes. You won't regret information technology.


Have yous ever been to church building, and literally feel like that message was created just for you, and that the pastor was giving you the "middle" throughout the unabridged message?

That was me yesterday.

The message was on hypocrisy. Now again, if you've been following me for some time, then yous know that I want to be as real every bit I Can exist (and more than after on why I emphasize "can") here on the blog.

Honestly, your "thank you" letters to me, hateful the WORLD when you say things like, "Give thanks you for being then real and honest about things." It encourages me then much, and leads me to share more and more than real life with yous often.

BUT… those thank you messages aside, I can't help but think that at that place are still others out there who have a totally dissimilar perception of me, and the weblog that I call my business, my hobby and a big chunk of my heart.

Now, earlier I go along, and then we tin can connect on an even deeper level… tin can we simply go alee and take a moment and bring social media in to this perception too?

Take my blog out of the equation for a second. Most of usa scroll on Facebook and Instagram in our daily lives and laissez passer times, and more so than not, we can become consumed with how "perfect" the lives are, of so many that we come across on the newsfeed. Let'due south be honest, it's not just in the "blogger world" that we perceive other's having perfect lives, and being reminded that nosotros don't.

favorite dresses for the summer months

Although with this thought, I find myself saying, "Well if people DON'T share the proficient and pretty things… so nosotros'd probably critcize them for sharing merely the negative and depressing things. And so really information technology'southward a no-win situation.

But, I practice recollect social media (and blogs) can be a place where hypocrisy can sideslip in, fifty-fifty unintentionally.

For case, seeing quick posts from someone on your newsfeed like,

Selfie – Expect at me, how pretty my hair is, my makeup technique, or how large my big ole muscles are in my muscle shirt from working out.

Look at my perfect kids hugging and loving on each other.

Here's my cute home and vivid white gourmet kitchen.

Date night! So thankful for this marriage and how good he/she is to me.

…only, the reality of the situation COULD exist,

Await at me, I'one thousand so proud of myself that I showered and put makeup on for the outset fourth dimension in 4 days… considering before this, I was depressed and laying in bed with a major emotional struggle that you know nothing most.

Whew, glad I caught that cute moment on camera because little Johnny just beat the crap out of little Timmy right before this.

Here'southward my beautiful home and make clean kitchen. I'm so thankful that we still have a roof over our heads, considering we're actually behind 4 payments on it.

My marriage is the best I could ever ask for. At present, or form. After we went through that hilacious year when I found out that he/she was seeing someone else.

What'due south the Total Story?

Blogs and social media can be a fun place to go for inspiration and to decompress from a tough day. But I think sometimes when nosotros don't share the FULL story of why nosotros are sharing our good moments, it can come off as like we accept it all together.

There'south Something You Should Know

Friends, I DON'T take it all together, and I never always want the blog or my personal life to seem similar I have it all together.

Why? Considering there is and so much dazzler in seeing that others struggle (NOW wait a minute, I didn't say "in that location'south and so much beauty in SEEING other struggle." I said, "seeing THAT others struggle.")

Because when nosotros run into that others struggle and don't have a perfect life, it makes us realize that when nosotros don't have it all together besides, that information technology's ok. That perhaps we aren't doing something wrong. Or that maybe God wasn't "picking on the states" but non them.

Which is why I really want to address a couple of things.

When you visit the blog, or see a mail service from me on social media, I want information technology to exist a happy, encouraging and pretty identify for y'all to snag ideas or decompress from a tough mean solar day. I want the weblog to be a place of cute, inspiring and pretty things that you dear to come visit often.

Then with that, comes very few, nighttime, tough, and ugly topics.

Usually by the fourth dimension I'chiliad sharing a story about a tough situation, I take already overcome it, and at present I'1000 sharing how yous tin overcome it besides.

That'southward what I truly feel similar I was born and put on this Earth to do; to inspire others, and to share stories and life hacks that I've learned forth to way, to hopefully help make your life and journeying a footling meliorate.

"Information technology'southward Time Jessica"

So while sitting in church building last Lord's day, and with the preacher lookin' right at me (or so I felt), it hitting me.

Jessica, are you existence a hypocrite by more often than not sharing the good, pretty and "overcome" victories in your life?

Why don't you share more about the current struggles going on?

…and I literally felt God nudge me, and say,

It's time.

It's time to share that I've been struggling emotionally and physically for about a year with a major function of my life.

For almost a year, I've wanted to share the Unabridged story, the journey, the everything… but my hands have been tied and I wasn't (and even so not) immune to do then. But I CAN share some of the emotional details of this journey, rather than stay completely quiet about everything.

And then, Here Nosotros Become:

In 2017/2018…

  • I no longer lived in my big cute home that I brought my baby boy abode to, and created the beautiful dwelling tour blog posts almost.
  • I actually laid in bed for weeks, not willing to get up to clean the house or brand a meal for my family, because the depression had taken a toll.
  • Arguing became a characteristic of my marriage and it became the new "normal" way of communication for united states.
  • Sudden weight loss became my new diet plan, because I was so ill and sick from stress.
  • A ball cap and sunglasses became my new daily attire when I'd go grocery shopping in a far away town, but in case I didn't brand information technology far enough away trying to avoid seeing someone I knew.

There was so much of this that you didn't see, when I shared a web log post about how to pull a fast one on yourself in to getting things done or how to style a Hot Dog bar for your girlfriends. Why? Because my story wasn't done, so I felt I had zilch to share withal, and because I wanted the web log to be a place full of beauty and happiness.

I Just Didn't Talk About It

Now although I did stay truthful to myself and "existent" when I wrote a weblog post nearly dissimilar topics like those, not mentioning that I'grand at rock lesser while writing organization how-to's and styling parties, still feels deceitful. I never lied and said "my marriage is perfect, I still live in my big and beautiful dwelling house," etc. … I but didn't talk virtually it.

Just I feel by NOT sharing that I was struggling, and still am struggling today, I could really be missing out on the opportunity to aid someone else.

Let me likewise say this. Some things are just too personal to share with the entire world, some things aren't "prepare" to be shared, and some things are but meant for God's ears.

Simply I at to the lowest degree wanted to give you lot the cliff notes of the emotional parts of my journey, and I think by doing this… those of you who look at my blog and life, can still look at it every bit a place of inspiration and fun, rather than a place of hypocrisy. I never want y'all to call back I have information technology all together, and I never want you to remember that I accept a perfect life.

And so if sharing with yous that I don't, and to let y'all know that y'all're not alone living an imperfect life… so I shall remove the mask, because I feel that is what Jesus has called me to do.

Bring together the "Fab Society" Group

Then hither's something else you may want to know. I started a group on Facebook about a year or and then ago, where we we talk near all sorts of celebrations and difficult things in life (like this one). Information technology gets pretty "real" in there, then come prepared!

Nosotros'd honey to have yous in our group to chat most all the things. See y'all over there! Bring together it HERE!


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