What Does Pearl Say When Called a Witch Baby

" Everybody tin can practice magic. "

Cassie Nightingale[one]

Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale (born Sue Ellen Brock) is the lead grapheme in the Adept Witch television franchise.

Cassie is the eldest descendant of the Merriwick line. She is the mother of Grace Russell, stepmother of Nick Radford, Brandon Russell, and Lori Russell, cousin of Abigail Pershing, and the married woman of Sam Radford.

Orphaned at a young age, Cassie became accepted to traveling and moving as she was passed through foster homes. She ran away and continued traveling the world and learning about many different cultures, all while honing her special gifts.

In her twenties, Cassie moved to Middleton subsequently finding her family unit property. While information technology took time, the town welcomed Cassie and her mysterious means. She currently owns the infamous Bong, Book & Candle shop on Main Street, as well as Grey Firm Bed & Breakfast.

It was in Middleton that she met, vicious in beloved with, and married Jake Russell. Unfortunately, Jake died several years subsequently, leaving Cassie a widow. Her relationship with Jake also brought her a father figure in George O'Hanrahan. Years subsequently, Cassie welcomed a new neighbor in Sam Radford and his son Nick. She and Sam initially held a banter human relationship due to their differing views on medicine and life, but later fell in dearest and were married.


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Throughout The Good Witch Movies
    • 2.1 The Good Witch
    • 2.2 Proficient Witch'due south Garden
    • 2.3 Good Witch's Gift
    • two.4 Good Witch'due south Family unit
    • 2.v Good Witch'southward Charm
    • ii.6 Good Witch's Destiny
    • 2.seven Skillful Witch's Wonder
  • 3 Throughout Adept Witch Series
    • 3.ane Season 1
    • 3.2 Season ii
    • 3.iii Flavour 3
    • 3.4 Flavour 4
    • 3.5 Flavour v
    • 3.six Season vi
    • 3.7 Season 7
  • 4 Personality
  • v Physical Appearance
  • half dozen Gifts
  • 7 Romantic Relationships
    • 7.i Jake Russell
    • 7.ii Ryan Elliot
    • 7.3 Sam Radford
  • eight Appearances
  • nine Notes and Trivia
  • 10 Gallery
  • 11 References

Biography [ ]

Cassie was built-in Sue-Ellen Brock to performers Jade and Conrad Brock who traveled all over Europe. She once described the time with her parents as "magical". Every year on her parents ceremony they would fly a white kite with her parents initials sewn into it. They would laugh and play together for hours; the last time they flew the kite, when it blew away, was the wintertime earlier they died. When Cassie was 10, Jade and Conrad prepared for a trip and Cassie had an overwhelming feeling that she would never run into her parents again. She didn't say anything about her feeling and her parents died that twenty-four hour period in a machine blow outside of Zurich. Cassie always blamed herself for never stopping her parents from leaving, which is why she always follows her intuition as an developed. Following their death, Cassie was sent into the United States foster system. She was placed with a family that had a foster son, Vincent, and the two became fast friends. They were separated only always kept in touch. Cassie was soon placed with a foster family, Doris and her husband Larry, that was extremely strict. Their strictness, as Cassie described it, "killed the magic", so she ran abroad and found her unique way of living

Part of her new identity was creating a new name, which she chose to be, "Cassandra Nightingale". Cassandra attended Wellingsley College and later backpacked effectually the world with a group of her friends, including womanizer John Dover. John often flirted with Cassie, however, she could run into through his façade, so they never crossed the line of friendship. They eventually went their split up means and their group disbanded. Cassie gained new experiences that shaped her personality during this fourth dimension of her life. She began learning about different herbs and natural remedies and the style they helped people. She traveled around the earth for a while, never quite settling into one place. She learned multiple languages and pursued many career paths.

When she discovered that she had a familial holding in a small town in the United states of america known equally Middleton, she took the discovery every bit a sign from the universe. In 2008, Cassie moved to Middleton and into the now dilapidated Gray Business firm. She soon decided Middleton where she belonged, at last, and that information technology could exist her permanent home. Cassie opened her store called Bong, Book & Candle where she sold herbal remedies among numerous other items. The townspeople originally weren't welcoming to Cassie, including the mayor's wife, Martha Tinsdale, who was convinced Cassie was practicing black magic inside her shop.

Shortly after Bell, Book & Candle'due south opening, Cassie met Jake Russell, whose kids she had befriended after saving them from an ill-trained dog. Jake and Cassie became fast friends and later on dated. The townspeople of Middleton somewhen warmed up to Cassie, accepting her every bit their neighbor and trusted confidant. After sensing that her home could help others, she opened Grayness Business firm to the public as Grey House Bed & Breakfast. The B&B also helped her pay the remainder of her bills that Bell Book wasn't covering, and pay off the loans she had to accept out to remodel Greyness Firm. Through the bed and breakfast, Cassie was able to help several people passing through the town. She would later on open up and close the home to the public as needed.

In 2010, she married Jake on Christmas twenty-four hour period, officially condign the pace-mother to his children, Brandon and Lori Russell. Meanwhile, Cassie assisted Martha in her endeavors and eventually won over the once conflicted adult female. After learning about and reuniting with her long-lost cousin, Abigail Pershing, Cassie appear her pregnancy. She gave birth on October 15th, 2012 to her starting time child, Grace Russell. She later ran for Mayor and was elected. Despite enjoying being Mayor, Cassie resigned to spend more time with her family. Her resignation likewise allowed Martha to fulfill her dreams to become Mayor.

When Grace was even so a immature daughter, Jake died in the line of duty leaving Cassie as a widow and unmarried female parent to Grace. She continued to look later his two children and maintains an active relationship with them.

Throughout The Skillful Witch Movies [ ]

The Skillful Witch [ ]

Not much happens in the quiet town of Middleton, where the crime rate is so low information technology's almost a joke to the local police. The towns busybodies are quite pleased with the identical nature of every citizen, and how everything fits together just and then. It's no surprise that when the townspeople discover someone living in the abased, and rumored to exist haunted, Grey Business firm, that a surge of panic rises. Martha Tinsdale immediately reports her strange findings of someone squatting in the house to the master of law, Jake Russell, forcing him to investigate.


When they make it, they at first believe the house to be empty. But but as they are about to leave, a young woman appears on the staircase and welcomes them. She introduces herself every bit Cassandra Nightingale, and her "wicked" humour, sense of mystery, and not bad way tastes are quick to charm. In fact, she seems to charm anybody she meets, including ii children who are chased past a dog. Cassie has a few selection words with the dog and "tames" the creature. She then treats the girl, Lori's, scraped knee joint and invites them in for some treats. The kids are scared off by the circulating rumors that Cassie is a witch. These rumors are fueled when Cassie opens a new shop on Main Street, Bong, Book & Candle, that sells Celtic, homeopathic, new age, metaphysical, and Wiccan items.

Lori, who is Jake's daughter, has been having bad dreams of monsters. She turns to Cassie for help. Cassie gives her a dream catcher to assist her sleep, but also instructs her to chant "I will not dream of soft fuzzy bunnies" to herself throughout the day. Sure plenty, Cassie's unconventional approach worked, and Lori dreamt only of soft fuzzy bunnies with no monsters in sight. Brandon, besides in demand of some help, asks Cassie if she can plow a school keen into a frog. She explains that turning humans into reptiles is tricky, asking if a goat will do the trick instead. He doesn't care what the boy is turned into as long equally he stops bullying Brandon. Cassie agrees to assistance. She gives him a crystal and three steps that he must complete. First, he must go to Kyle's house. 2nd, he has to introduce Kyle to Jake. And tertiary, he must become Kyle to affect the crystal. Finally, he will bring the crystal back to Cassie. Brandon follows all three steps and learns that Kyle was in a unsafe state of affairs at home, which Jake helps fix using his pull as a law chief. The boy, Kyle, is ultimately saved from the dangerous state of affairs and sent to live with his grandmother. Cassie'south approach works again.


Cassie's magical bear upon extends beyond the Russell family, who are quite taken with her. Nancy Perkins, a Citizen's League fellow member whose spousal relationship lacks romance, comes to Cassie'south store. Cassie's essential oil aphrodisiac adds the needs spice to Nancy's marriage, and the pair are thrilled to announce a pregnancy later that Halloween. Cassie herself dips into the romance section as she sets her sights on Jake, whose wife died a few years ago. Jake is too pragmatic to believe any of the "witch" rumors, but he can't deny that there's something enigmatic about her. They have an unplanned date at Grey House that results in a romantic osculation by the crackling fireplace. They share flirtatious meetups and their budding romance is given the nod of blessing by George O'Hanrahan, the begetter of Jake'due south belatedly wife who lives with the Russell family.

Cassie'southward pleasant fourth dimension in the town is railroaded by Martha's cause to rid the town of Middleton from Cassie and her black magic. She ambushes Cassie in her store so trips over a display when Cassie startles her with a mask. Martha threatens to press charges for set on against Cassie for shoving her over a display. While the egregious accusations are thwarted by Jake, Martha's crusade continues with a petition to have Bong, Book & Candle closed down. She petitions outside the shop and encourages the townspeople to join her. The picketing affects Cassie as she begins to wonder if Middleton is the right place for her later on all.

On Halloween night, Greyness House is decked out for the flavour and a small party is held. She told Lori and Brandon to invite all their friends, though they won't come as their parents won't permit information technology. The few that practise go far are the ones Cassie has helped during his curt time in Middleton. She admits to Jake that she's thinking of selling Gray Firm and leaving, as she doesn't want to fight to stay somewhere she isn't wanted. Lori overhears and is heartbroken at the idea of losing Cassie, who doesn't feel as though she has much of a choice. Merely then, Jake is alerted by Deputy Derek Sanders that two boys vandalized Cassie's shop. The pair head to the station where they learn the boys responsible are Martha's two sons, Michael and Dylan.

Martha pressures Jake to release her boys at once without charges, accusing him of being at error and not her boys. Her hubby, the Mayor Tom Tinsdale, does just that. But Jake refuses to yield to the political pressures and explains the charges that are being filed. He too confesses his love for Cassie. In that moment, Cassie decides that she won't exist pressing charges against the boys after all. She doesn't want their lives to be ruined over i error. Martha is satisfied with the dropping of the charges and tries to put the blame on Cassie and her black magic shop, just Tom finally intervenes and puts a stop to Martha's antics. He demands she let her vendetta go as she'southward the one who planted the idea of hatred in their sons heads. He apologizes to Cassie for the trouble, much to Martha's horror, and promises that his sons volition aid make clean up the impairment they've caused. The Tinsdale'due south also offering to pay for whatsoever additional impairment.

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Everyone pitches in to fix up Bong, Book & Candle, with Cassie finally accepting she's found a dwelling house in Middleton with the Russell family. She repairs her shop and a broom appears in the shop for Jake to find. He is confused how it got in every bit information technology defies all logic as he knows it. She tells him not to think too much. Jake then asks if she'south actually a witch or not. She smiles and merely kisses him as the doors to Bell, Book & Candle close across the room without him seeing. The couple are happily set to discover "happily ever afterwards".

Good Witch's Garden [ ]

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It'southward Fall in Middleton with the Bicentennial Commemoration just around the corner. Cassie has expanded Grayness House into a beautiful garden, filled with lush plants that are ogled by garden order fellow member Gwen and her nosy friend Martha Tinsdale. Cassie, however, is busy at work with Brandon and Lori raking leaves and preparing the garden for Fall. Their Grandfather George O'Hanrahan is also helping out. Jake arrives later and tells Cassie that Martha claims she was attacked by one of Cassie's plants, a creeper, that morning. Cassie is adamant that her plants would never attack anyone, but they may accept given Martha little hug. Jake relays the bulletin that Martha is spreading a rumor that Greyness Firm isn't safe to be the host of the Bicentennial Celebration, merely Cassie assures him that'southward preposterous and Grey Firm is perfectly safe.

Cassie so asks George to stop by the garden order nursery on the way home to enquire about a strange fungi growing on her institute. George happily accepts her request. She then reveals that she's having some fiscal difficulties and plans to open up Gray House as a bed and breakfast to the public. George thinks information technology's a good idea. His trip to the nursery results in him mannerly over the ladies of the garden club and striking up a friendship with local Gwen, who he later on begins to date.

She soon welcomes her outset visitor, Nick Jason, by mysteriously appearing backside him. Nick is a charming human in his 40s with a mysterious energy to him. He surprises her by knowing the tale of Elizabeth Merriwick and Captain Charles Hamblin. He reveals that he's a descendant of Charles Hamblin. Before they can discuss more, Jake arrives and learns Cassie is taking boarders. He doesn't think it'due south a good idea every bit he worries for her safety. He thinks she'southward likewise trusting of strangers or new people. She reminds him that she was once new to the town.

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The next morning, Lori visits Cassie to inquire for her assist in getting her consignment partner Jess to do her share of the work. Cassie gives her a mysterious wooden object and tasks Lori and Jess with figuring out what information technology is. She alludes that it might exist helpful for their project, too. This comes to fruition afterwards when George identifies the object as a nimble, a garden tool from the 1800s, that has potent ties to Middleton. Jess besides confides in Lori that she has trouble reading. With Lori's help, Jess begins to take classes to help her overcome her learning disability.

Cassie is in town when she sees Brandon and his new grouping of friends talking exterior of a shop. They ignore a woman's attempts to leave the stores. The woman scoffs to Cassie near manners while Cassie looks at the boys. Martha Tinsdale ambushes Cassie with her concerns over the boarders in Grey House. She worries that the new people will requite Middleton a bad look as a place that lets in riff-raff. Cassie brushes her off in her usual mysterious nevertheless kind manner.

She goes home where she finds Nick sitting exterior reading a book. He's greatly enjoying his time at Grey House and even offers to purchase the home from Cassie. She declines his offer equally the home means a lot to her. When Jake visits that evening, the couple argue as Jake still doesn't trust Nick or call up it'south a adept thought to let him stay at Greyness House. Cassie is hurt that he doesn't trust her or her instincts. Meanwhile, Nick becomes friendly with Martha and begins to piece of work his way into the Citizen's League and other aspects of the town.

The next day, Cassie appears to Jake and Nick while they're talking on the sidewalk. She recruits their help in moving her Veritas constitute, though the men insist information technology's dead, but she assures them that it will flower in time for the garden celebration. She too reveals that it allegedly holds magical truth telling abilities, every bit anyone near it tin can't help but be compelled to tell the truth. She tests the theory on Nick past asking what he thinks of her plant and he admits information technology'due south ugly. He is spooked by the compulsion to tell the truth and leaves the room under the pretenses he needs to modify. When he's gone, Jake reveals to Cassie that he hasn't found anything about Nick on the police database and that his background is sketchy. He tries to convince Cassie his concern is genuine, as he doesn't remember she should operate purely on instincts this time. She accuses him of just being too protective after having lost his wife. Jake wonders if he and Cassie are also different to be in a human relationship.

Equally Cassie and Jake go along their distance from one some other, Jake shows upward at Greyness Firm to serve Cassie with eviction papers. Nick has a deed to the house which trumps her handwritten will. She only has a few days to motion out of Greyness Firm. She is devastated to lose her heritage but he promises he'll discover a fashion to fix this. She spends the next few days packing her holding until the bittersweet night earlier she has to leave. Lori, Brandon, George, and Jake visit her in the hopes it will cheer her up. She is happy to be with those she calls family but sorry to get out her dwelling house. She plans to stay in the room above Bell, Book & Candle until she can find somewhere else to alive. Afterwards dinner, Cassie admits to Jake that she establish her diary the other night as information technology had been tampered with by Nick. Jake finds this suspicious.

The next day, Nick comes back to Grayness House to find Cassie in the plant room watering her plants. He is disappointed she'south leaving her plants with him, but she coyly states that everything must grow and wilt eventually. She spends quality time with Jake but he has bad news to requite her. Nick is selling Grey House to a programmer that will drive the home and grounds. She is upset but tin't afford to buy the business firm from Nick. Just then, Lori and Jess blitz into the room with an exciting development. They were researching the object Cassie gave them when they came across some stories virtually the Grey Lady. Not just about her, just written by her. The stories are a fictional tale of the romance between Elizabeth and Captain Charles Hamblin. Cassie realizes that all of Nick'southward claims to Gray House are based on these works of fiction.

Cassie and Jake rush to Grey House where they confront Nick for lying virtually his identity, forging the human activity, and reading Cassie's diary. He tries to escape the room when Cassie'south plant, a creeper, wraps around his ankle and trips him. Cassie is seen staring at the plant with the insinuation being that she used magic to make the establish terminate him. Jake arrests Nick, which means Cassie can move dorsum into Grey Business firm. She is able to restore her things to perfection only in time for the Bicentennial Celebration to be held in her garden.

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The mean solar day of the party, virtually the entire town is in attendance and buzzing about the beautiful plants growing in the gardens. Cassie's veritas plant has bloomed into a cute found, and Cassie dances with Jake. She delivers a speech communication to the partygoers. As everyone moves into the lawn to sentry the fireworks, Jake asks Cassie to stay behind. He surprises her with an engagement ring and she happily slips it onto her finger. She promises that the magic between them volition never fade, and kisses him happily.

Good Witch'southward Gift [ ]

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Christmas is a magical place for the town of Middleton, only more than then for Cassie Nightingale, who is busy planning the perfect wedding to her perfect fiancé, Jake Russell. While the busy couple take yet to gear up a date, Jake finds himself stumped in picking the perfect present for Cassie. While she assures him that he doesn't take to get her annihilation, he is determined on finding merely the thing. She gives him a calendar for the current year, which he views as odd since there'southward only two weeks left in the year. However, equally he stares at the agenda in the days to come, he realizes the perfect gift for Cassie - a family unit. He wants to go married on Christmas Eve in 6 day. The Russell family unit flies into action in an effort to prepare.

Meanwhile, Cassie works her magic when it comes to helping Deputy Derek Sanders find beloved. She asks him to bring back her pie pans soon so she can whip something upward for him. Equally he's leave, Martha Tinsdale flurries in every bit she'south looking to help out the local shops. She's tried everywhere else and so this is her last resort - and choice. Cassie remarks that she's been busy with her wedding, and comments on Martha'south ability to throw lovely parties. Equally Martha leaves, Cassie is joined by Lori, Brandon, and Brandon's friend Jodi. Cassie gives Lori her wedding ring to hold onto, remarking that it'south the simply matter of her mothers she has left. Jodi is also looking for the perfect souvenir for her mother, so Cassie recommends a home spa package. The group is bombarded by an inspired Marth, who has decided to become a wedding planner with Cassie every bit her start e'er client. Though overwhelmed by the idea, Cassie doesn't debate with Martha'southward passionate idea. She has to get out to go her dress and Martha follows as the dress can't clash with the ice sculptures.

The Russell family begins to autumn apart as inner turmoil's threaten the happy relationships. George, feeling left out of hereafter plans, wonders if he should get out Middleton. Lori finds herself at odds with Brandon when Cassie's band goes missing, as Lori blames Jodi since her father was only released from prison for a banking concern robbery. Brandon is angry at anybody for thinking Jodi is a thief, while Cassie is distracted past the nuptials plans. She asks Betty the baker to cater the wedding. Betty throws Cassie a small wedding shower which Martha promptly invites herself as well. She has extravagant and lavish ideas for the wedding, though Cassie wants something simple and pocket-sized. She's thinking comfort food while Martha envisions a five-tier block. Finally fed up with everything, Martha quits her job as a hymeneals planner.

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Meanwhile, Cassie meets Leon Deeks outside of her shop. He's a released felon who was convicted of a bank robbery ten years ago. He was arrested by Jake and put in prison, though the $100,000 he stole is nonetheless missing. The police try to keep a watchful eye on him equally they worry he's back in Middleton to rob another shop. Cassie, however, sees something different in Leon, so she gives him a Santa costume and the task of collecting donations outside her store. Derek remarks how brilliant the thought is since Leon will be in one place which makes information technology easier for the police to watch him. The idea later turns out to exist function of her larger programme, as she gives his daughter - who happens to exist Brandon's friend and beat - a silver dollar. As Jodi walks the streets she watches a happily family together and the await of emotion on her face is clear, equally she wants that as well. Equally she and Brandon laissez passer Santa, she tosses the silver dollar in the donation bin. Leon realizes it'southward Jodi and how she wants a family.

To thank Betty for all her hard work, Cassie gives her a necklace from her shop, one that Betty had previously admired. The necklace inspires Betty to buy a new dress, change her hair, and get new shoes. While Betty credits her newfound confidence to Cassie, the proficient witch simply says that the outer sparkle brought out her inner sparkle. Later, at Bell, Volume & Candle, Betty comes in, looking gorgeous after a makeover inspired by the necklace. Derek stops by, just as Cassie knew he would, and is immediately drawn to the new Betty. Smitten, he offers to walk her dorsum to her bakery, and even asks her on a appointment for Christmas. Cassie encourages the idea and watches the new love birds leave.

But things at domicile are nevertheless falling autonomously, and Cassie works to fix things between Jake and Brandon. She recommends to each of them separately that they get a treat from the bakery, knowing the pair would see one another and be forced to talk things out. Lori admits to Cassie that she lost the ring, but Cassie isn't aroused. The ring has a habit of wandering, but it always finds its way dorsum to her. She visits Martha and finds the ring in her bag. Martha is flabbergasted every bit she realized that she dumped the contents of her purse on the counter that day in Bell Book, and she must have scooped upward the ring in the mess. She apologizes profusely but Cassie is only happy to have her ring back. She also hopes that, despite Martha's claims to have previous engagements on Christmas Eve, that she and Tom can make information technology to the wedding ceremony. Martha realizes Cassie is a expert spirited woman, and is touched that Cassie still wants her there.

On the day of the wedding, Betty reveals that a miniature dachshund ate Cassie's wedding instance. Yet hopeful for a miracle, Cassie asks George to make a cake for the wedding in under three hours. As she puts on her dress Jake arrives. She scolds him for it being bad luck to see the bride before the nuptials, but he comes with bad news. The minister's auto broke downwards and he'll never get in in time for the nuptials. They have to cancel. All seems lost until Martha and Tom make it. Tom has the real marriage certificate, as his friend at the county office mixed up the papers, so Tom swung by to choice them up. The couple admits they lack a government minister, and Martha offers Tom'southward services as he's officiated as the Mayor.

The last order of concern is the sage, which Cassie asks Brandon and Jodi to pick up from her store. They happily oblige and unknowingly thwart Leon'south attempt to retrieve the money he hid from his bank heist under the floors of Bell, Book & Candle. Leon overhears the kids talking and is inspired by Jodi's words of but wanting her family back for Christmas. He decides to give his daughter her wish by returning the coin. Meanwhile, George shows Cassie the cookie-cake that he and Lori made. They fused the Christmas-themed cookies together using icing. Cassie is taken aback by the gestures and honey sit deeply.

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At the anniversary, Cassie is escorted down the alley by George. She then marries Jake every bit they commutation beautiful vows and a kiss. During the reception, George asks Cassie if he can alive at Gray Firm to look after the place now that she'southward moving in with Jake and the kids. She gives him a smile as he realizes she planted the idea ii weeks agone when she mentioned needing someone to run the bed and breakfast for her. She agrees to his help and so long every bit they are fifty-fifty partners. She excuses herself to welcome all of her guests. She appears outside backside Leon, who is waiting for the perfect chance to see his daughter, Jodi. Cassie suggests he come inside when he's ready. Leon does only that, even returning the $100,000 from the bank heist to Jake. Leon makes amends with his ex-wife and girl. The happy families spend the reception in peace as everything works out the way it'due south meant to. Cassie'south surprises aren't over yet, though. She takes Jake exterior where a horse drawn carriage is waiting. The couple leaves in the carriage as Cassie gives her guests a souvenir - snow.

Proficient Witch'south Family [ ]

Life is going well for Cassie as she settles into matrimony with Middleton Police Chief Jake Russell and as stepmom to Brandon and Lori. She's nearly moved all of her belongings into the Russell abode, and is creating a sitting room for herself. With change all around, Middleton Mayor Tom Tinsdale's term is nigh consummate and he'south almost to sign into effect a controversial looting span. The Citizen'south League opposes the choice and Martha Tinsdale suggests electing someone new as a Mayor. She wants them to selection her and believes they volition, but is surprised when they elect Cassie instead. Cassie agrees to exist mayor just just if Martha helps her. Honored and delighted, Martha agrees. Subsequently the meeting, Cassie tells Jake her good news, unaware that he's for the annexation and the job security it volition bring.

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At home, Cassie finds Lori working on a nuptials gift for her father and stepmother. She'due south making a Russell family tree with a branch for Cassie. Stemming from Cassie's branch is another, which belongs to Abigail Pershing, Cassie's cousin. Lori explains that Cassie's female parent had a sister, who was the mother of Abigail. Cassie is surprised every bit she didn't know she had any family. She is delighted at the idea and encourages Lori to have Abigail visit. As Cassie prepares dinner, Lori asks her communication in dealing with a crush she has on Brandon'due south friend, to which Cassie explains that if he'due south the right 1, Lori will know. Equally dinner begins to burn and smoke fills the kitchen, the women try to fan out the smoke. Cassie decides to open the front door and discovers Abigail on the forepart porch about to know. The long-lost cousins hug. There isn't much fourth dimension for pleasant conversation, every bit Cassie left her application for Mayor ship at Bell, Volume & Candle, while Abigail hopes to unpack.

Cassie is visited past Derek Sanders, who is feeling a little lost with the annexation and wonders where he belongs. She gives him a compass to help him find his way.

Good Witch's Charm [ ]

At the Russell house in the small town of Middleton, the newlyweds Cassie Nightingale and Jake Russell are settling into a new affiliate in their relationship: parenthood to newborn Grace. Jake wakes upwards to the audio of Grace crying and assures his wife that he'll take care of her this time. He goes to the nursery just doesn't find the baby. He and his daughter Lori blitz downstairs to find Cassie in the kitchen, belongings babe Grace, and making a special brew for Grace's gums. Jake is dislocated as to how she appeared in the kitchen then fast, but she but redirects the conversation. The family is looking forrad to a new vacation with the entire Russell family - including Brandon who is away at college, and Grandpa George. Their quiet morning is interrupted equally Jake receives a call near a robbery in town, while Cassie is bombarded by local busybody Martha Tinsdale, who besides served as Cassie'southward campaign manager for Mayor. Cassie is running backside for an interview with a travel magazine writer, as the woman is struggling to juggle being a new mother, shop possessor, and part-time mayor. She is forced to break plans with Lori to go shopping, instead asking her stepdaughter to babysit Grace.

Cassie does an interview with Henry Kael, a grumpy reporter who sees the worst in everyone, and asks Cassie nigh her time in foster intendance and dearest for Middleton. As Cassie leaves the interview, she unknowingly leaves behind a mysterious piece of footage. Information technology seems to evidence Cassie vanishing into thin air just as a flash of calorie-free hits the photographic camera. Martha is horrified past the footage and the comments nether it, which characterization Middleton as a bizarre boondocks and Cassie as a freak or a witch. Cassie isn't besides concerned as she knows people will see what they want in the video. Merely Martha demands Cassie do damage control with the locals. Because of the puff piece, Cassie's shop, Bell, Book & Candle becomes increasingly popular. People travel from all over to visit the store and see the "good witch" in action. With a line stretching outside, Cassie breaks more than family commitments and asks Lori to babysit Grace again. Lori is left feeling alone, so Cassie recommends she go to the café for lunch. It's here that Lori meets two new friends, Katie the most popular daughter in school, and her older very handsome young man Justin. Cassie'south celebrity status scores Lori and her new friends a free lunch.

Meanwhile, at Bell Volume, Cassie struggles to keep up with the influx of customers. Jake visits in the hopes of scoring a few extra moments with his married woman, and to warn her most the robberies. Equally they talk, Cassie'southward intuition alerts her as a familiar face enters the shop - her foster mother Doris. The reunion is fueled by tension, equally Doris only came to find Cassie afterward seeing the video, and wanted to see if her foster girl was still dealing in the hocus pocus of magical nonsense.

Practiced Witch'south Destiny [ ]

Good Witch's Wonder [ ]

Throughout Good Witch Series [ ]

Flavour ane [ ]

Season 2 [ ]

Season iii [ ]

Flavor iv [ ]

Season 5 [ ]

Season 6 [ ]

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Cassie adjusts to her new life as an empty-nester with Grace away at college. She also celebrates her showtime hymeneals anniversary with Sam, their love growing stronger every day. Cassie as well begins to explore who she is exterior of being a mom, and starts by welcoming Joy Harper to Greyness House Bed & Breakfast, patiently waiting for the woman to come up effectually to the Merriwick's. She is often visited by Abigail, who is struggling with the ever-present Merriwick-Davenport expletive. Cassie, for the most office, allows them to figure out how to pause the curse lonely. She helps Joy discover her true connectedness to the Merriwick family as a long lost relative of herself and Abigail. She welcomes Joy to the family and begins to get to know her new cousin.

She also begins to feel a desire to reconnect with her artistic roots and creative side. She decides to accept a higher-level cartoon class, which then leads her to want to teach again, fifty-fifty guiding a few students. She pursues a chore with a professor and is saddened when she doesn't get the job afterwards all. She is later on visited by the same professor who wants to requite her the job, which Cassie accepts. She settles into her teaching chore just struggles to connect with her students inside the classroom, despite mingling with them outside of class.

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In her personal life, Cassie slowly begins to integrate herself into the Merriwick-Davenport curse drama. Particularly when Joy is conflicted over her dreams that seem to be coming true. Cassie gives her a pearl necklace that helps soothe Joy'south dreams, while her painting antics brainstorm to rub-off on Sam. She attempts to settle quarrels between Middleton residents, especially Martha and Stephanie. She spends time calming Martha's nerves and ensuring that the adult female is confident in herself. Cassie also comforts Joy who is struggling with having realized she does have feelings for Carter.

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When the women in her life tin can't become along, she whisks them away to Chicago for a well-deserved girls trip in the hopes it bonds them. She is struck with grief when her friend and mentor Olympia dies and she must attend a memorial. The girl'southward trip, however, quickly turns Cassie into a mediator when Joy'due south friend Donna clashes heavily with Abigail. She tries to rein the women in and remind that what they all hateful to one another. Merely first, Cassie shared her pain with everyone else who knew her friend, Olympia. Abigail and Joy accompanied her for support every bit it was important to Cassie that they empathise, through Olympia's friends, why her friend meant and then much to her. This proves to be an incredibly difficult time for Cassie, but she shows the women their inner-beauty through Olympia'southward terminal present - an amethyst filled rock.

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Cassie returns to Middleton feeling fulfilled and shares many moments with Sam that remind her that life is truly about family unit. Her skilful feelings begin to alter, especially when a cloth bag filled with dirt comes into Bell, Book, and Candle. Martha is dying to know what information technology is, but Cassie has no idea. She offers to help Martha with her housewarming party, simply every bit she hears that the professor she was a TA for at the art college, is on an extended sabbatical. This ways that Cassie now has a permanent education position.

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With the frenzy of the party planning, the expletive barreling to an uncertain cease, and the complexities in her life, Cassie attempts to meditate with Sam. He is unable to meditate which means that Cassie tin can't relax, leaving her on-edge and notwithstanding feeling off. None-the-less, she attends Martha's party and has a pleasant time. The expletive is able to be broken leaving Abigail engaged and Cassie elated for her cousin. She returns to Grey House where Sam goes to bed early, only Cassie still feels equally though something is wrong. She is looking at the royal cloth bag when Abigail and Joy enter, having received the same bags.

Season 7 [ ]

Personality [ ]

" Just she could also notice the lite in whatever state of affairs. And always seemed to know that things were going to piece of work out for the all-time, and was at that place for every single one of her friends whenever that happened. "

Melanie near Cassie

Cassie is the embodiment of love and warmth, always having her doors open to her friends and fifty-fifty strangers. She listens to everyone's problems and advises them on how to proceed, showing her wisdom and unique manner of helping others. She loves and forgives unconditionally, always seeing the best in people and offer assistance whenever she is able.

She has unique gifts of perception and intuition that she uses in very positive ways. She is extremely intelligent, cultured from her travels, and mysterious to those around her. Cassie, like anybody around her, is flawed and has trouble accepting that some people aren't good. She argues with Sam often due to his differing medical viewpoints.

Physical Appearance [ ]

Cassie is a beautiful woman with a slim build, glossy raven colored hair and warm chocolate-brown eyes. She often wears flowing or lacy material with jeans and small boots. She enjoys accessories and playing with many different pieces to show off her wardrobe.

Gifts [ ]

Cassie believes that everyone effectually her has "gifts" that make them special. She is extremely intuitive to the indicate where she can ever tell who is backside her or around her just past sensing their energies. She often has strong feelings to get somewhere or send someone to a specific identify within a select time frame. Some Middleton residents believe that is she psychic due to her strong feelings that almost ever come true. She tin can specifically sense when someone she cares most is in danger, or when someone is keeping a hole-and-corner from her. This flows into her store because when customers enter she always seems to know the perfect thing to brand them better.

She is also very perceptive. She tin run into through people's façades and where they are coming from. A invitee one time used a powerful spell to cloak themselves from the Merriwick women, which Cassie fell victim too, simply was ultimately able to sense through. She also has the knack for giving someone the correct affair at the right time which changes their life some way. Cassie also has a unique ability to understand animals and sense what they need and how she tin can help them.

Additionally, Cassie possesses a rare teleportation ability. She once appeared disappeared from view while someone was recording her, which prompted her to brand upwardly an alibi for the intriguing sight. She does this frequently, often surprising her new guests from behind or popping in out of nowhere with no real alibi for how she became present. She as well used a form of telekinesis to open her shop door from beyond the room. Cassie has also used pyrokinesis on several occasions, like when she lit her fireplace. She appears to have something similar to a small-scale form of precognition. common examples include knowing when someone is standing backside her or nearly to walk through a door, and correctly predicting who will phone call on a telephone seconds earlier information technology rings. These particular abilities are shared with Abigail.

Romantic Relationships [ ]

Jake Russell [ ]

Main article: Cassie and Jake
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Jake was Cassie's epic honey and her first husband. They met her outset calendar week in Middleton in October of 2008. They roughshod in love almost instantly but didn't admit their beloved until much later. He was curious about her and her mysterious ways, while she was charmed by his kindness. She helped his children when they were being chased by a dog, gave each child guidance when they asked, and helped Jake navigate the complexities of his job. He fought for her to stay in Middleton and, because of his willingness to permit her into his life, she stayed in the small boondocks that became her domicile. Afterwards a year of dating they were engaged, and a yr later, they married on Christmas Eve equally he wanted her to wake upwards on Christmas morning with a family. They celebrated their first year of spousal relationship before Cassie revealed her pregnancy with their just daughter, Grace. Elated to start a family unit, they began a new chapter of their beloved story. While the road was rocky at times, they always found their manner back to one another. Sadly, Jake was shot and killed in the line of duty while protecting Middleton, leaving Cassie a heartbroken widow. As she leaned on those effectually her, she healed from the loss and let go of her pain. She was even able to find love again, though she cherishes the years she did have with Jake, oft calling him her first soulmate.

Ryan Elliot [ ]

Sam Radford [ ]

Main commodity: Cassie and Sam
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Cassie and Sam beginning met when he moved into the business firm next door to the Nightingale'due south. Sam had moved to Middleton from New York with his son, Nick. Cassie welcomed the neighbors with open artillery. However, they clashed due to their differing views on medicine. Sam viewed Cassie as his professional competition since the town of Middleton went to her for medical advice instead of consulting a "existent" physician. He as well dismissed her homeopathic methods while she tried to convince him to exist more open-minded. Their bickering turned to friendship equally a real connection began to abound between the pair. They evolved into a romantic relationship but kept things a secret from their children, every bit to avoid defoliation or explanations. They somewhen told everyone most their human relationship just moved slowly, as they had both been injure in the past. Sam by his ex-wife who cheated on him, and Cassie with the devastating loss of her first husband Jake. Every bit the years passed, things became more serious betwixt the pair and they became engaged. A year later, they were married under The Forever Tree in an intimate ceremony with their closest friends and family. The love they share for one another is pure, sweet, and deep. They support one another in their split up endeavors but always make time for 1 another. Their relationship wasn't ever easy, every bit their differing opinions and views caused them to argue. However, whether through Cassie'south magical ways or the power of love, they e'er managed to make things work in the stop. They have been happily married for over three years, and are currently traveling the world together.

Appearances [ ]

Notes and Trivia [ ]

  • For a list of your favorite Cassie Nightingale quotes, delight go here!
  • In Season one it is stated that she speaks half dozen languages: English, Chinese, Farsi, and 3 others.
    • In the Season 2 finale, Cassie states that she has now learned vii languages.
  • Although never directly stated, Cassie can be considered an herbologist due to her numerous herbal remedies and extensive knowledge of herbs and natural remedies.
  • Her parents were Jade and Conrad Brock.
  • Many residents of Middleton prefer to see her over doctors, every bit her remedies are natural and homemade.
  • Cassie is an authenticator of fine art and ancient artifacts.
  • She has studied in many different medical fields but is not a certified dr. in whatsoever field.
  • After college, she backpacked across People's republic of china and Vietnam.
  • She enjoys cooking and baking.
  • Cassie cooks many different cultural dishes.
  • Cassie makes her ointments, lotions, soaps, and many other items that can be found in her shop.
  • Jake Russell, her hubby, was her outset customer at Bong, Book & Candle.
  • Even though she was married to Jake, she seemingly didn't take his terminal name and wasn't referred to as Cassie Russell.
  • After Jake's death, Cassie went to a night place until she realized that she needed to let her anger go to move on with her life.
  • She put up Grey House for collateral to secure her loan for her eclectic shop, Bell, Book & Candle.
  • Cassie is a great pool player, yet, she may take influenced the outcome.
  • She is incredibly difficult to surprise due to her intuitive abilities.
  • Cassie dislikes cheesecake.[2]
  • She attended Wellingsley College and gave Willow her commencement taste of holistic medicine, which inspired Willow to open a holistic medicine class at the university.
  • When her powers went haywire at the end of Season vii, they expand to meet the ghosts of her dead parents and the ability to converse with their spirits.

Gallery [ ]

Cassie Nightingale has a photo gallery.

References [ ]

  1. "The Proficient Witch"
  2. In 4/4, With Emotion


Source: https://thegoodwitch.fandom.com/wiki/Cassie_Nightingale

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